
man we got hit by that ■■■■ sql slammer virus…everything is shut down man this sux.

Hey Im just venting

so what exactly does it do??

just shut stuff down? does it erase anything?

ooooh yeah Ive heard about that. Its reaking havock all over the darn place.

sorry youve become a victim :-\

Glad i’m missing out. :skull:

what are the details about it? how do you get it? what does it do? etc…

It basically crashes your sql servers. In our case it it totally screwed the sa account so we cant admin the server. There is a patch for it already on the microsoft site. But we have to rebuild several stored procedures…I hate stored procedures…Not a pretty site.

If you have not got hit get the patch…it exposes a security vulnerability in sql…It is a worm so it is everywhere

I just heard about it yesterday, have they found out who sent out the virus?

no not yet…It hit china the hardest…

lmao they deserve it though
all the databases they have:sure:

There is a patch for it already on the microsoft site.

That’s really funny! C:-)


these things are started by people who work for the Anti-Virus Software consortium, in conjunction with Microsoft…

I think that their planned obsolesence plan isn’t going as planned, so they have been inventing new virus/worms to get businesses to have to replace equipment and software.

That is why so many are targeted for MS products (one major reason I don’t want any one co. producing most of the computer apps).



That’s really interesting Rev, that would be F@CK#D up if it was true.

I’m only half kidding…

I def think there is some truth to it…


I wouldn’t be surprise. Perpetual upgrades is one of the main components to Microsoft’s success.

Rev - the offical Conspirecy Guy!

That just makes too much sence… scary.