I’m not dead after all!
Anyway, if you recall a long while ago Darkmotion was after a logo/identity. I’ve had these ideas stuck in my head for ages and finally my slow a-s-s catches up and I decide to try them out. All were sketched, scanned and vectored, so this is indeed specific to my illustration style (no stealing; its just stupid and you lose brain cells each time you do).
Overall this took about an hour or so to do.
Number 2 was my initial idea and the one I felt was strongest for corporate identity. It features a kind of abstracted ‘D’ shape, and the inspiration behind this were Darkmotion’s early days as I recall his footer had a moon shape in it or something. The splooge is like dark matter.
In number 3, that is actually a film strip but i couldnt be bothered drawing all the little tracks on the side of the thing. Again this is an abstracted ‘D’ shape, and its a little messy because i was getting tired of vectoring at this point. This one features little silhouettes of characters and junk in the windows of the film.
Number 4 is more iconic than logoish, but I noticed that Darkmotion had chucks, and if he loves his as much as I do mine, this idea would tickle his fancy. Shoes are for walking, and walking=motion. Dark coloured motion. get it? lol
When making number 1, it was a biznitch (stupid profanity filter) getting the perspective on the text. I resorted to manually moving paths and points because ive yet to find the likes of such a tool in illustrator CS2 (if someone can help me, that would rock socks!)
All of them are in monochrome bar the last colour variation. I felt this was fitting because in the early days, animation was black and white. That and I felt a few were pushing the boundary between illustration and logo design, so im proving it can work in black and white.
I’m somewhat expecting a lecture about them being too detailed for a logo. I feel this is where a lot of people falter, and it really hinders creativity if they limit themselves too much. It also doesnt have to be so specific in detailing what it is DM does- i think that’s just really stupid and if that were applicable to every single logo then apple would have a computer screen with an apple in it and nike would have trainers as the logo.
Anyway, enjoy. Not really caring too much about critique as its not an actual project.