
and this…

A logo that works should be simple and clear, what you have now is really busy and confusing. You have too much stuff going on so I think it needs more work. Simplify it a bit more.

well i thought about this, but this looked too drab fo me

Instead of using just letters, why don’t you use shapes? I’m not too sure about the drop shadow either, but that’s just me.

i agree you can use shapes or make your own vector letters(shapes). To me that is like using a font as your logo. But that is my opinion.

this is what i came up with at work. I plan to create a new one on photoshop with some effects. What do you think of the rough outline though??

oops forgot to attach picture.

that is a lil better, but what you could do is where the “a” and the “d” connect make that line go straight down as to make the d look llike a real “d”

This is a real quick sample (I made it in like 30 secs so dont laugh).

Get a lil fancy with connection of the letters or the letters themselves. I think I have a seen a logo like this so do a lil research so no one gets sued. :hat: :*(

I thought about that, but it kinda looks similar to something that i have seen before somewhere. I dont want to be caught up in some copyright law.
I was looking for a more subtle approach to creating the logo.
Your design is good, but its looks done already if you know what i mean.

yeah I do know what you mean… I also think it has been done b4. The way you have it now it is hard to decipher. But it is a good concept you have I’m sure you will make it work. Post when you are done so I can check it out.

okay hows this. still working with paintbrush so dont laugh.

Is that a footprint? It is cool though adds your own touch to it. I still have a problem with the “d”. Man I have a thousand ideas floating in my head about your logo now. hahahaha…making it hard for me to work on my stuff. footprint is cool make it bigger, the “d” needs works.

yeah its a footprint. Hopefully when I do it in photoshop it will look much better.

To be honest (and to throw the entire thread), I actually prefer the original. Don’t hit me. :trout:

I agree though that it is a little busy, but I like the look of the A and D, only with the little arrow that’s in the first but got taken out of the second image.

lol. I knew this would happen. I have so many ideas, so many designs I really do not know which one to pick.

Maybe I can take some of the first and put it into the second or vice versa.

■■■■…logo desgin is not easy( especially when its your own)

1 more attempt at my logo. You guys are gonna be sick of me posting my logo up now…

sweet!! the last one is the best me thinks!! and no, logo designing ideas i never get tired of, its always a work in progress

thanks. I have a slight variant of the last one.

don’t try to get too fancy with the logo, its very easy to get carried away in PS, simplicity is really king with logo’s , me thinks anyways, i like ur second last one best

thanks. I like the second last logo too. Site will be up soon. I have an html site you can check it out here.