I know lots of you are using windows xp, so do you guys experience any lag and stuff? I just installed it and it seems to be veery sloooooow on my computer, and takes a long time to shut down or open any programs. Has this happened to anyof you :q:
not really - what are your system specs, and did you install it in a clean format or via an upgrade over an existing OS?
installed over clean and uh…geforce fx 5200 (or something), 256 ram. My hardware should be ok, maybe i needa download somethin?
Do you have Service Pack 1 installed? Also a defrag doesn’t hurt.
it’s your 256mb of ram.
That’s the minimum requirement for XP.
try upgrading that before anything else.
If you are a little gutsy, here is a beta SP2 patch that fixes certain issues with Service Pack 1 and the slowdown you may be experiencing: http://itpro.no/downloads/Q815411_WXP_SP2_x86_ENU.exe
*Originally posted by thoriphes *
**it’s your 256mb of ram.
That’s the minimum requirement for XP.
try upgrading that before anything else. **
Eehm, correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t 128MB the minimum ? link. But, that’s true, upgrading RAM improves system speed greatly, and 256 is the common minimum these days =)
I’m sorry, you’re right. Their recommended minimum (if that makes any sense at all) is 256. In any case, get more RAM.
The speed of your computer may make a difference. I’m barely running on good quality.
256MB Ram
32MB Graphic
Try to defrag and cleanups a lot, it keeps your computer in tip top shape.
i think 256 mb of Ram is more than enough for the average xp user. i’ve put together A LOT of xp systems that only have 256 mb of ram and they all run fine…i really don’t think that’s his problem (although I would want 512). my laptop only has 256 mb of ram and it runs fine (1.06 ghz P3).
here are some things that might help…
download all service packs and critical updates (in internet explorer go to tools–>windows update)
download the latest version of directx (also on the windows update site)
download the latest drivers for your nvidia card…go to www.nvidia.com
right click on “My Computer” and left click on properties, click on advanced tab and then settings under performance, then select “Adjust for best performance”
don’t have a background picture on your desktop…just a solid color (hey, it’s good for one or two mb’s of ram)
defrag your harddrive (prolly have to do it in safe mode)
this should help some…good luck
Also do checkdisk.
The only time you should do that is if you absolutely have to and you are using a 8x AGP card. Otherwise, Direct X 9 is muy trouble and I have had 3 friends out of 3 friends install it and crash their computer.
I installed the latest version DirectX 9b on both the comp and the laptop and I have had no problems dp. All my games run perfectly well!
ahh yeea never thought of these i’m gonna try em out, and isn’t direct x suppose to be good? I’ve never had problems with it, but i might leave that last if still not workin thanks!!
Yeah, there’s nothing wrong with the recent versions of DirectX. I’ve installed them on three computers and none of them have had any problems with any of the games i played on them.
hmm i tried all that and it helps a bit, but still a bit slow in some areas (like loading programs) :-\ Maybe i will need to upgrade my RAM.
BTW kirupa, how come that SP2 download isn’t on the microsoft site?
It’s beta. MS usually doesn’t provide support for non-official products, so files such as that have be gotten from places like neowin.net. This is similar to using beta graphics drivers, etc. I have it installed on this comp, and I have no problems with it at all.