Hi there,
i working for about 2 weeks on a project that works with data, and i use datagrids to show and manipulate that data. as i need to work datagrid i see that it is a lot of things tha seems very strange.
DgMc.addColumn("Energia Electrica");
that piece of code adds 2 columns to the datagrid, notice the blank space beetwen the name of the 2 column(Energia Electrica).
Now i want do add values to that columns and i use this piece of code
DP=new Array();
DP.addItem({Peso:"1", Energia Electrica:"1"});
and i didnt work!!!
so i try to figured this out and i try this code:
DP=new Array();
DP.addItem({Peso:"1", EnergiaElectrica:"1"});
and it worked…
the only diference is the blankspace in the name of the column,
why i cant add values to the columns that has blank space in the name??