Datagrid Problem

Hello all - I am new to using this DataGrid control and I am having trouble getting this to work the way I want to…

It seems that most tutorials want you to add a row at a time, but I want to add a column of data at a time.

The first thing I am doing is creating the attribute column:

_dataGrid = new DataGrid();
                    _dataGrid.y = 166;
                    _dataGrid.height = 405;
                    _dataGrid.mask = _mainMask;
                    _dataGrid.resizableColumns = true;
                    _dataGrid.setRendererStyle("textFormat", museoFormat);                
                    _dataGrid.alpha = 0;
                    for each(var att:XML in _attributeDatabase.*) {
                        if(att.hidden.toString() == "no") {
                    _dataGrid.height = _dataGrid.rowCount * _dataGrid.rowHeight;
                    _dataGrid.x = (602 - (_dataGrid.width/2));

Next, based on the selected button I add a corresponding column:

var columnLabel:String = _selectionHeader.text + " " + e.currentTarget.cName.text;
      , .2, {x:0});
                for each(var lob:XML in _mainDatabase.*) {
                    if(lob.@id.toLowerCase() == _selectionHeader.text) {
                        for each(var config in lob.*) {
                            if( == e.currentTarget.cName.text.toLowerCase()) {
                                var i:uint = 0
                                for each(var attrib:XML in config.*) {
                                    var item_obj:Object = new Object();
                                    item_obj[columnLabel] = attrib.toString();
                                    _dataGrid.addItemAt(item_obj, i);

See the image for what I am getting… notice the blank cells that it inserts - how do I fix this???