I have a datagrid whose data keeps updating quite frequently.
On every update, I need to change the cell color of only those cells whose data has changed.
That too, if the updated value is less than the older value then the cell color should change to RED else, GREEN.
I have tried using labelFunction, cellrenderer, etc. But to no avail.
By no means, I am able to access the present data in the cells to compare it with the new data.
This has drawn me to my wits end.
Last few hair left to be pulled out from my head!
I have added the sample classes in the attachment. To get them to work, just create an fla with a DataGrid & a Button components in its library & mention ‘del’ as its document class.
Just run the fla & click on the two buttons on stage to see the values in the price column changing.
Please excuse the shabbily written uncommented code.
This is just supposed to be a POC.
Thanks in Advance for any help!