DataGridColumn LabelFunction > Accessing current data


I am stuck with a problem here and ran out of all possibilities. Searched over the net but couldn’t find anything that was relevant to me.

Ok, here’s my requirement in short-
I have a datagrid that is updated every time data update is received. Now, all I want to do is check if the present value in every cell in a specific datagridcolumn is less than the new value then color that particular cell green, if the present value is greater than the new value then color it red, else leave previous color as it is. Simple?

Now, the coloring part is important but comes later. As of now, I need to know how to get present cell data in the labelfunction of the datagridcolumn.

// column is a datagridcolumn
column.labelFunction = function(oData:Object)
// oData[this.dataField] gives the new value to be displayed in the cell
return oData[this.dataField];

Please treat this as urgent. I have already spent a lot of time on this without any output.