DateChooser Question

Hello All,

Recently i was given the task of creating a sort of “event” calendar In Flash that i may use on as a input and output for people to communicate dates. I had first thought of making a calendar from scratch, But as i discovered threw Google, (such a wonderful tool) there was a component built into flash 8 which you could use for a calendar. So from extensive research i have planned what i was going to do.

First off you would have the calendar. certain days would be highlighted in bold from which people have inputted information on that specific date. To do this i stumbled upon DisableRanges which i could use to disable in between 2 highlighted events.
So say i am too go on the site, then get on this calendar. i would then login to this calendar then choose a date and write whatever was on. The date would then be processed threw flash and the variables would be transfered into a PHP script on server side to a TXT file placed in the folder.

Now thats easy enough, But now putting these ideas into motion is not as easy as i thought.

My problem lies with how i would first off devise a way of reading The Text files and dates in such an order that disableranges would be able to go from One date to the next.

This is how i would think it would work, but i do not know how to interpret this into actioscript.

Ok so you start the flash calendar. the calendar then reads all the events from a TXT file, by there date. So say todays date is august the 1st. and some user specifies an event on august the 5th. then there is an event on august the 9th. how would i dynamically put in actionscript to disable ranges on days that are not predefined? As in the days between the current date and august the 5th and after the 5th to the 9th and so on to be disabled?

Please tell me if my question is confusing, and i will try to make lite of it,

regards Xlegion