De-scratchifying an lcd

so i have a small lcd display, 2.5 inches i think. i found it recently and it works fine, the only problem is it has a small scratch right on the screen. its not really a problem, its just a bit irritating. i was wondering if there were any way to fix it, some sort of paste or something i looked on the interent and couldnt find anything too specific…

its a tft screen by the way

help wold be appreciated

2.5 inches. Is this a cell phone? or a pda?

I would think 2.5 inches would have to be a cell phone! I would hope that a PDA has a screen bigger than 2.5 inches.

Just get another LCD.

psh…its an lcd from a portable tv which i had no use for. so i salvaged the lcd, two pots and the switch, antenna etc. all i really want to do is hook it up…as a novelty item, nothing serious.
i figure i can live with it

well, you could get some diamond sand paper, and rub down the upper glass to make the scratch disppear, or you could buy a new one :wink:


someone told me to use a silk tie…i wonder if it works

I also heard from a while back that toothpaste is also good.

you can get some of that really fine sand paper (that kind that has to be wet) and take that scratch out.

Bah, LCD and TFT aren’t the same!

Toothpaste ey?

rushes off to smear some toothpaste on new cellphone


Bah, LCD and TFT aren’t the same!

er…from what i know, they are.
tft or not its still a liquid crystal display