Dear Scotty

This is a personal appeal based on not knowing what else to do.

I came to this site a while ago (by accident really) because being a newbie to Flash I needed somewhere that would help explain things simply to people like me who have no idea about coding etc…and I was really impressed with how you guys make it all look so easy and the work you do to make this site so cool.
I am a British guy teaching English in Moscow and I wanted to make a website to show photos to keep in touch with my folks back home and show them where I am and what I’ve been up to etc. Like I said I am new to Flash ( a clumsy dabbler) and the tutorials here are a GODSEND so I followed the one for making a photogallery in XML.

I posted a thread on it a couple of days ago but it seems to be sinking without trace, and I’m worried that I don’t know where else to turn for help on this. Flash experts aren.t so easy to come by.

I will copy and paste here the content of the thread. I saw your helpful replies to a couple of other posters and thought I would take the chance of asking you personally for help on this. I tried to launch my website two days ago -

but you can see that the photos in the SWF don’t load.

I hope you can help…

"I downloaded the files, pasted the code, and put my own photos in to make a cool photo gallery in Flash. So far so good.
I repeated the process to create a SECOND gallery, for a different set of photos. But the second gallery kept only showing the photos from the first gallery. Obviously, the “images” XML file in notepad needed re-naming for the second gallery. So, I re-named the second SWF. “gallery-2” and the second .XML file “Images-2.XML”.

This worked. Now I had two separate galleries I could use on two separate pages of my site. When I play the SWF files from my hard drive they work fine. They work fine when i preview my site in Dreamweaver .But --!!—:a: Soon as I FTP all my site files to my site (using WS-FTP) - The SWF files load into the page, but there are no photos in the gallery.:a:

The gallery buttons and interface work fine, but why would the pics not appear in the SWF? I thought they were embedded in there??

OK, I lie - One single photo does appear in the first gallery, and repeats on every button. But the SWF plays fine from my hard drive…"