Default Ease when setting a Motion Tween

I really wish there was a way, and maybe there is, to set your default ease to be something other than Linear. 75% of the time I am using Ease 100 Out, and it would save me so much time and effort if all my Motion Tweens were automatically set to Ease 100 Out. Anyone know if this is possible or if it’s been done before?

I don’t believe there is. But it would be nice. You could always use the AS Tween and a global property for easing. [AS]_global.dEase = mx.transitions.easing.Regular.easeOut;
new mx.transitions.Tween(mc,"_x",_global.dEase,mc._x,mc._x+50,1,true);[/AS]

Indeed… it would be nice. I think using the AS would sort of nullify the time saving part of the idea though. Thanks for the reply and the thought.