Definitive buttons [mx]


i am trying to make a prototype function that allows buttons to act like they would in html. What i mean by that is that when you rollover button1, it changes from colour A to colour B. On rollout, it goes back to colour A.
However if you click the button, then it goes to colour C. Even when you rollout, i want the button to stay as colour C.

when you rollover button2, the same thing happens but button1 doesn’t return to colour A until button2 is pressed.

so i’m trying to emulate the “down state” and “hover state” that you would have in html links.

the code i am working on is like this:

var topNavArray = ["homeButt1", "homeButt2", "homeButt3", "homeButt4", "homeButt5", "homeButt6", "homeButt7", "close"];
//create the prototype call changeColors
MovieClip.prototype.topNavColors = function() {
	//create for loop to go through the buttonArray list
	for (var i = 0; i<topNavArray.length; i++) {
		//create color object that targets each clip in the array
		var myColor = new Color(this._parent[topNavArray*]);
		//if the instance name in the current position in the array is not equal to this clips name
		if (topNavArray* != this._name) {
			//set the RGB value to 0x000000 (black)
		} else {
			//else if it is the same as ths clips name
			//set the RGB to 0xFF0000 (red)
MovieClip.prototype.navRollOut = function() {
	//create for loop to go through the buttonArray list
	for (var i = 0; i<topNavArray.length; i++) {
		//create color object that targets each clip in the array
		var myColor = new Color(this._parent[topNavArray*]);
		//if the instance name in the current position in the array is not equal to this clips name
		//else if it is the same as ths clips name
		//set the RGB to 0xFF0000 (red)

and i just call it with:

button1.onRollOver = function(){
button1.onRollOut = function(){

the problem i face whatever i do is that any coding i do for the button on press, it gets cancelled out again the second i roll off that button.

get it?

i’ve tried loads of variations on this (including containing everything in 1 function and setting variables for the different colours), but i just can’t figure it out!!!

any help, advice, code is appreciated.

