I’m not sure how I would go around doing this, so I couldn’t find anything by searching the boards.
I have a main SWF that has two buttons. Each button loads an external SWF into a empty movie clip (called container).
What I want to do is, when I already have an external SWF loaded, and I click on the other button, I want the current SWF to play from frame 13 onto its end, and then load the new SWF.
I tried adding a container.goToAndPlay(13) and then the new section script, but that doesn’t make the old section play entirely (because the new section load cuts it off). Here is the current code for the button actions:
button_conceito.onPress = function() {
// If this is the first section loaded
if (primeiraSecao == "sim") {
secao = "conceito_external.swf";
primeiraSecao = "nao";
// Else if this isn't the first section loaded
else {
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("container", 2);
loadMovie("conceito_external.swf".noCache(), "container");
container._x = 19.9;
container._y = 142;
Dam, that was confusing… (-:
I’ll try to re-write it if you guys can’t understand hehe. Thanks!