I’m trying to make a button that first tells a swf file externaly loaded into the flash page to go to and play at frame 50 and then when that is done load another external swf in the same box as the previous one was in.
How can I do it?
I’m trying to make a button that first tells a swf file externaly loaded into the flash page to go to and play at frame 50 and then when that is done load another external swf in the same box as the previous one was in.
How can I do it?
on(release) {
mymovie2.loadMovie(“moviename.swf”, 0);
or instead of
mymovie2.loadMovie(“moviename.swf”, 0);
you could use
loadMovie(“moviename.swf”, mymovie2);
replace mymovie and mymovie2 with the movieclips you want to play and to load another movie into
does this make the movie clip that is already loaded finish itself before it loads up the new one?
no man, the current movie doesn’t have to be finished loading to load another movie. i could be wrong about this, but im pretty sure im not. it just depends also on how you decide to load the movie and where.
if you want the first movie to finish …
why don’t you load the other movie from the last frame of the first movie? that would be easier
well the actions are executed when the button is pressed… and when I can see the button and click on it then the next movie will be loaded if I press the button
ok, perhaps my explination wasnt good enough… or I’m completely misunderstanding everyone :P=)
I have a menu with 6 options
Then I have a thumbnail part, externaly loaded.
Then I have a full image viewer part, externaly loaded.
What I want to happen is that when I click on a menu first it loads up a movie clip in the thumbnail part and stops at lets say frame 50, easy enough.
But when I click on another menu option it finishes the movie clip currently loaded in the thumbnail part and then when its done it loads up another thumbnail part in the same box.
The only way I have figured out how to do it is when I click on a menu option it tells the thumbnail clip to go to and play frame 50 and at the end of that movie clip is a load movie part that starts to load up the next movie. The button in the menu would then have to tell the thumb clip to play and to tell it what .swf file it should load when its finished playing. I have no idea how to do this.
this probably has somethin to do with what i’m trying to do but i’m confused :-\
Well, since your trying to make a menu, Try using Sorcerer method. Always search in Best of Kirupa.com Forum before posting, You may find ur question answered there.
I’m not sure if I understand you right but you may check out this post http://www.kirupaforum.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=9686 electrongeek was asking how to play a transition out animation and when that was finished play the transition in animation of the next image. Take a look at the fla and see if that’s the kind of thing you are looking for.
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