Delete this if needed

I just have to post this and i figured I would post it here. I have ac ouple things to rant about.

I am kind of drunk so I am ranting to you people. I don’t want to be with the girl that I am with, and I want to be with the girl that I was with before. I am hving some trouble dealing with my current situtiation. I like the girl I am with but I like the girl I was with before more…I dunno…I have issues… I apologize for this thread. :slight_smile:

Delete as neccessary.

Jubs :cowboy:

wow— tjhe wordl is spnning…

Sounds like quite a perdicament.

And yes, I hate Creed too.

But back to your situation here.

It seems to me that if you found someone you like more than the girl you are with, then perhaps the girl you are with is not the one you are really into. I mean, you can like her and all, but if you still like the girl you used to be with, then it obviously is not the time for you to be with other girls yet. This road can go multiple ways, one with you leaving your current girl and trying to get back with your old girl, another with you staying with your old girl, and another with you not being with anyone and taking the time to clear your head.

wow…lost your post made no sense. :stuck_out_tongue: lol, yeah i think i know what you meant tho. My life is just a host of different problems. I need to find a new therapist. Oh well…life goes on… peace…

jubs :cowboy:

Yeah, I am probably <B><I>THE</I></B> worst advice giver ever, so of course my post makes no sense, but I was the only mod on who could answer, so I figured I would.

What is funny is that my friend approached me with a similar problem (but not so similar as well) today.

He still likes his ex girlfriend, but his ex girl friend is with another guy. He just found out today that she is engaged to this guy now. He was real upset because he lost his chance. He gave her up and now he can’t do anything about it.

You’ll feel better when the alcool’s gone. But if there’s a tiny bit of truth in what you said, go back with your previous girl, buy her a diamond ring, get married and have a bunch of kids. Easy as that.

*Originally posted by ilyaslamasse *
**You’ll feel better when the alcool’s gone. But if there’s a tiny bit of truth in what you said, go back with your previous girl, buy her a diamond ring, get married and have a bunch of kids. Easy as that. **

Ha, nothing is that easy. Wow, I’m hung over now. Waaaay too much to drink last night. Once I get drunk, I kind of stop thinking. I don’t really remember posting that last night, but I do remember having a loong conversation with my exg/f where I apologized for everything that I may have done to her and I think that everything is ok between us.

I don’t think that my problem was so much that I wanted to get back with her, I just wanted to apologize for the shity things that I did to her, and I wanted to make sure that she is happy with her new guy and that I awnted her to know that she is an amazing person. Unfortunately while I was talking to her, my bipolar personality kicked in and I got depressed because I started talking about my past and the horrible things that happened to me when I was little and I started to talk about killing myself. :(

I’m working on myself now… Hopefully I will be better in the days to come.

Jubs :hangover:

lol, I don’t even remember typing half of those things. I like how I added “the world is spinning” and the Creed image. I don’t remember those… lol…

I apologize. :slight_smile:

Originally posted by Jubba *
**Unfortunately while I was talking to her, my bipolar personality kicked in and I got depressed because I started talking about my past and the horrible things that happened to me when I was little and I started to talk about killing myself. :
( **

Yep… being bipolar sucks, believe me, I know :frowning:

What can be worse about it is that somtimes (maybe a lot of times) you think something was so horrible, but it really wasn’t. Your brain makes you work it up into something bigger than it really is, but you can’t control it. It is hard to seperate the truth when your brain lies to you all the time.

yeah my brain likes to lie to me.

We should start a club Jubba :beam:…lol.

The Bi-Polar Liars Club

(lol… kinda like a Friars club…get it…ah nevermind)

lol :hat:

You need a $25 lap dance at the nearest ‘Candy Store’ :cowboy:


Granted I have never been to a “Candy Store” and never got a lap dance, but I am pretty sure that around here they are more than $25.

LOL… my area may be bad, but people are still greedy :wink:

Lol lost, your PMBox is always full…

LOL… sorry. I don’t get it. I had 11 messages in there and it was telling everyone my inbox was full.

Kirupa: How many messages are you allowed to have before it is considered full? I swear I had around 20 before it would say that, but now it says it at 11.

well i have 54 in there now…I should probly clean them out.

Right now I have 9 total messages. I had to delete some so people could send me some more, but twice in the past two days I reached 11 messages and got an inbox full notice.

Hey h88, I see you tried to send me some PMs but my inbox is full still, even after I deleted some.

I have 9 messages total in my PM inbox. And I have deleted all my sent messages too!

lostinbeta - You have 1 new message(s) since your last visit.
(You have 0 unread messages and 9 total messages in all your folders.)