Hello everybody.
I have a really annoying problem with removing eventListener created in public function, with another public function.
Is there a way to give a ‘name’ to a specific listener, to reference to it later on? Or maybe i can add listener to a array/dictionary?
Theres a code:
public function _c(target, posX:Number = 0, posY:Number = 0, autoUpdate:Boolean = true)
if(autoUpdate == true){
thisStage.addEventListener(Event.RESIZE, exe);
else if(autoUpdate == false){
thisStage.removeEventListener(Event.RESIZE, exe);
trace("detach executed");
function exe()
target.x = (stageW - target.width)/2 + posX;
target.y = (stageH - target.height)/2 + posY;
// Assignments //
target.attachment = _c;
target.posX = posX;
target.posY = posY;
///// DETACH /////
public function _detach(target)
target.attachment(target, target.posX, target.posY, false);
I am sure that ‘_detach’ function is working properly, because i get ‘detach executed’ output.
But, the listener added in 5th line doesn’t get removed, and i really don’t know why.
I am waiting for your help.
Thanks in advance