Dell hardware

Heya. Let me first list my specs.

P4 2.4Ghz
128MB ATI RADEON 9800 Pro
20GB Hard Drive

It seems to me that my computer doesnt perform as hardcore as it should. Sometimes I’ll get a little lag in games (Dark Age of Camelot) when I have 2 Gigs of RAM. I’m not a computer idiot. So its not going to be something stupid like a cluttered harddrive or spyware and such. I think its my motherboard because its a Dell Motherboard :d: and also its a Dell Hard drive. So do you guys think me putting in a new good Intel Motherboard and a 120GB 7200RPM HD will help? Thanks

Its because its a Dell

(I dont like dells so I may be bias :D)

Dell and Compaq’s suck! Don’t even get me started. lol

Seriously though I’ve felt the same way. It’s so difficult to truly know what computers are actually good nowadays.

You have MB’s upon MB’s of memory comming out your anus but is it quality memory or bottom of the barrel bargain bin memory?

There is a lot to be said about good quality memory.

Trash chips will make your box run like…well…trash :beam:

I swear I need one of those PC buying boot camps like that Dell commercial. I thought memory was memory and that was that.

Thanks for the enlightenment Fester

With that size hard drive its amazing you have any space to operate in…you have listed 20 GB–did you mean 40?

The motherboard won’t make that much of a difference…

I work for an entity that just bought more dells than you could count on 40 hands…they have all worked beautifully.

Dells are solid machines.

What games in specific are you playing?

Dell ‘water’ down their hardware. Check your exact model number for your graphic card and search it up online. I’ve read that my computer’s graphic card was ‘trimmed’ so Dell can get more bang for the buck.

I just found out I have a 433Mhz FSB. So I’m going to put in a new motherboard. Put in a 120GB 7200RPM HD and put in some new ram (if needed). :trout:

dude, if it’s DAoC, think about it… it’s an ONLINE game… it’s just your connection freking out, I get that alot when playing Anarchy Online, and I’m on a 2Mbit line…

it’s just your connection, nothing to worry about :slight_smile: