Dell computers?

Has any one else had trouble with Dell? i have a dimension 4400 and my hard drive has crashed 2 times. the second time it broke we lost EVERYTHING, we called them and they where sending a repair man to fix it with a new hard drive. but yet again, the hard drive that they brought here was broke and didnt work. we ended up waiting 3 weeks to get our computer back up to speed.

during all this we where using a pacard bell:-\ and u wouldnt belive how slow it was even with cable modem.

Computer Support places really aren’t as top notch as they say…

As for Dell… I’m surprised they are turning out to be like this… I never had problems with the Dell’s I had a year ago at my dad’s house… ;(

and to think the guy would of brought 2 hard drives just incase one didnt work.

You actually think people are thta smart?

Man are you going to be dissappointed int he future…


He;s right… Either go for…

1 - Build it yourself… If you know how to… It’s really not that complicated… Just have to know where things go… And it’ll seem to fall into place then,

2 - Get a good computer form companies like Alienware or Voodoo… Their computers roXorz!

Dell sent out a batch of bad hard drives. They were unaware of the problem until recently when everyone’s harddrives kept failing. I know about 30 people just in my building at school who’s new Dell computers had their harddrives fail. Call Dell, tell them to send you another one, or else…

well i am not even going to try to make a computer. lol with my luck i would plug it in and it would blow up:hangover:

Did Dell manufacture the hard drives… or did they buy a surplus of them?

Hmm… I don’t know this muhc in depth inf… Maybe someone knows.

i dont think so. they probally buy them for pennies from china and slap their name one it. and sell it for alot of money

I believe they bought them in surplus from somewhere. It wasn’t their fault about the hard drives. They didn’t know. But the point is that they still sent out a huge batch of bad drives. My friend had to replace her HD twice. She called and they sent her a new HD, and then that one crashed two days later. So she called and raised hell and they sent her another. Then after she started having problems I started hearing all sorts of things about peoples HDs going on their new Dells.

they probally thought that by buying them somewhere else they would gain money. but in the long run it ended up hurting them.

i have only had HP’s for my home PC’s. for work my dad had a Dell Laptop, his bios worked for about a month, then like blew up or something. it took them 3 days to get out here, mean while my dad had no e-mail, it was just phone. and then he came out with a bad bios, well after it didnt work he decided he needed a lunch break for 2 hrs. finnally he came back, this one didnt work either. so he flashed it and it worked. but it took all that time just to fix one thing. now my dad has a compaq cause the co. rotates them for new tech, and its perfect, no probs at all. So i say either build it, but dont forget, this is not fool proof either, cause anything can go wrong, but at least you know whats going in it. otherwise hp/compaq seems to work fine for me. :beam:

I use a Dell, and I have been using their PCs for the past 4 years or so. I guess I am one of the lucky ones who never had any problems with the service. As Phil and a few others state, building your own comp is the best way to get the comp suited to your own liking.

Kirupa :bandit:

Yeup yeup yeup… That’s correct…

I personal like the one I’m building right now…

2 Monitors

1 21" regular
1 17" flat screen

2 Vid Cards (of course for 2 monitors)

Radeon 9400 number correct? 9700 maybe
geForce4 ti 4400

  • i ahve a tendancy to forget numbers…

Pentium 4 2.4 ghz with busPort wires of 600 mhz

3 ghz of RAM…

DVD Writer/Player
CD Writer/Player

Right now… I have 1 ghz RAM, the processor, radeon vid card a cheapo vid card both monitors… I wanna gett eh other vid card… the extra ram and another 21" monitor… Plus I need the dvd writer… Dangit… Mor emoney to shell out… Better gte mroe clients… hehe…

Take it easy guys…

Just out of curiosity, do them make ram that runs at 3Ghz? THat would be pretty cool - Ram that is faster than my processor(shows how little i know about hardware) :cool:

…unless you meant 3GB of Ram which is cool =)

YEah… Somehow… hehe… The new 2.4 ghz pent 4 motherboards includes 3 memory chip slots…

These memory chip slots can hold 1 ghz of RAM EACH!

I was like… Holy MOLEY! hehehe…

But yeha… That’s impressive… Very impressive…

My harddrive is only 20 gb’s though… That’s fine with me… I don’t use much space… I just run 6-8 programs at once…

That’s why I like the dual monitor affect… I typicvally have photoshop on the one and flash on the other… Or SWIFT and Flash… Or Borland’s C++ and a website… Somehting like that… And when tlaking to people online. It’s indisposable… One side for tlaking to people and the other for flashing or viewing Kirupaville… hehe…

Take care… :slight_smile:

how do you choose what is going on what?
:q: i think it would be cool to be running dual monitors.

When you ahve your window to where you can mvoe it around… you cna actually “drag” it over to the other monitor… It’s neat :slight_smile:

I want to set up a dual monitor, but I want to wait until I have enough money to afford my two Flat screen monitors…

Well I’ve thought about it… And I only wnat one flat screen… It’ll be used for my games and stuff… The regular monitor will be useful more in the programming and surfing department…
