Depth of duplicatemovieclip

I have created dupicatemovieclip which will randomly appears on the screen, but how can i found out which movieclip is currently running. And also if i click that clip it should be stable for sometime… thanks 4 help :angel:…

Hello, and welcome to the forums.

Please remember for future reference that your question will be answered more quickly and efficiently if you post under the proper forum. For instance, I’m not sure right now which version of Flash or Actionscript you are running, so I am afraid I can’t answer your question.

[quote=GW02;2349928]Hello, and welcome to the forums.

Please remember for future reference that your question will be answered more quickly and efficiently if you post under the proper forum. For instance, I’m not sure right now which version of Flash or Actionscript you are running, so I am afraid I can’t answer your question.[/quote]

Hi, thanks for ur reply… Now iam working in actionscript 2.0
(macromedia flash 8). I want to take photos by scrolling the stage, for that i have to attach movieclip on stage continuosly without knowing to user, how can i attach different movieclips…

if you are duplicating a movieclip, you must have incremented the name of the MC, you will have to either place an increment ID in the MC or string the incremented number from the name of the MC when clicked.

hint: look in the flash 8 forum…