Design and/or tutorials needed

Hey guys.
I have recently com into the world of having nothing to do, so I thought why not revamp my site, “What a brilliant idea!”, I thought, so I continued to open up notepad ready to code until, suddenly, I realised, I don’t have a design, and I’m not in the mood to make one; so, my question is;
Is anyone able to whip me up a new fresh, clean, and timely design for my n99creations site. I do not need it coded just a design, the logo can also be redisgned if need be, it was never meant to be permanent.
For this, I am unable to pay as my site is 100% non-profit, I will however give you FULL credit.

Also, I would like more tutorials to go on my site, any web language or web design program.

If you think you can help can email to, to my email ( o add me to MSN on the same email. AIM too is a possibility, however, i’m unable to do file transfer through that.

Thanks for anything - Nathan.