Looking for designer.!

Hi i’m looking for someone to design a layout/background or come up with some ideas for a website that i’m creating, as i’m not very good with photoshop :(.!
The site is for a Radio Controlled Nirto Trucks any ideas would be greatful.!

Possibly… :slight_smile: I might have a bit of spare time coming up. How soon do you need something ideally?

I guess this really ought to go in Job Offers, but for time being I’ll keep it here.

Have any pics you are going to put on the site? That would help some…

Right i have come up with a design but i think it sucks big time.

That’s not bad for starters… :slight_smile:

Would you like me to have a look at it? I don’t mind having a go. And as someone’s already said, are there any pictures of trucks anywhere? That would be really rather helpful. :slight_smile:

right i’ll get some pics in there for you first.!

Cheers. :slight_smile:

Actually you might as well email them to me. I’ll PM you the addresses…

Or … and this may sound crazy you could finish off your own site

hehehehehe. I wanna see what else you have

XML is fu -uuuun

As it happens, I’m working on my new site right now. :beam:

Since it’s Bank Holiday I want to get a lot done. This design, my own site, plus a whole batch of pictures…