I thought I would post this link to my site since I have now posted my development contracts online and available to everyone free of charge. I just set up the blog, but thought I would get these up online for anyone that wanted a good example on how contracts should work (in my opinion).
Hope this might help a few of you out. Let me know what you think and if this might possibly help anyone.
Order of use:
Development Contract
Statement Of Work
Milestone Schedule
http://www.threesphere.com <-- Get the contracts here.
We have taken them down temporarily for legal reasons. Not everyone decided to read them and my technical support for those contracts was becomming overbearing. I’ll place them up there again in the coming month. Another job for my intern!!!
How does they way people decide to use them reflect legal back to you? Never saw this thread though 
im kinda confused as to what your site is about… contracts as in when talking to clients?
contracts as in
Development Contract
Statement Of Work
Milestone Schedule
Generally the dev contract states that you’re proposing to do the work, and at what cost.
the Statement of Work is basically the legal stuff, the long contract
and the milestone is the dates of which you plan on hitting certain things. e.g. sept. 1, 2006 - cms, sept. 15, 2006 - front-end, etc.
these would be great for people just starting out