Designer, Developer Contracts. follow up to Top 10 Lies

I just found my self in the place where I wish I would have had a contract to use and take controle of the problems related to my project and client.

So I thought what better way to follow up to the sticky “Top 10 Lies told to Naive Artists and Designers” then with a list of contract templates for users to pick from and use with there clients. So I need help setting this up where we have two main topics, the designer, and the developer.

the designer and developer contract templates should cover all the basics only, we should leave out any extra detail for the users to fill in at their will, but include all the basics to cover their basic right and needs.

Any how I think this will be a great sticky for others to use.
So lets start brain storming the basics.
Please format you post to look like

[COLOR=Gray]format for including brain storm.[/COLOR][INDENT]**=================================
Contract type: (designer or developer);
topic to address: (Name of topic);

side notes:
(any thing you wish to include about the topic and or problems)
=================================**[/INDENT]I will later edit this first post to show all the ideas in the list.
[SIZE=4][COLOR=Red]Contract Template ideas[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[]This main Idea
]Address your self
[]List of materials needed from client
]Dead line[/LIST]