Desperatly seeking guidance with my Flash form containing radio buttons using PHP

I have been trying to figure this out for days and am so frustrated…could someone look at my scripting below and help me please, I don’t know what I am missing. I’ve been teaching myself about flash forms and so far I have figured out how to get an email sent with the form information, just that what I recieve is this:

[SIZE=3][COLOR=darkred]ex.: Reunion Tickets: object Object[/COLOR][/SIZE]

How do I adjust my script so I can read what button was selected? Please help, I 'm going crazy trying to figure this out. Thanks.

Here’s my php script:

$sendTo = “[COLOR=#003366][/COLOR]”;
$subject = “Reunion Ticket Reservation”;
$headers = "From: " .$_POST[“name”];
$headers .= “<” .$_POST[“email”] . ">
$headers .= "Reply-To: " .$_POST[“email”] . "
$headers .= "Return-Path: " .$_POST[“email”];

$message = stripslashes($_POST[“message”]);

Reunion Tickets: “.$_POST[‘ReunionGroup’];

Mixer Tickets: “.$_POST[‘MixerGroup’];

Both Tickets: ".$_POST[‘BothGroup’];

mail($sendTo, $subject, $message, $headers);

I think I need to call the buttons seperatly, but how? I cannot attach my fla, it’s just too large apparently. So…

My form has 6 radio buttons- split up two per group (total of three groups)

ReunionGroup (each button has a component name, same as instance name- rb1,rb2)
MixerGroup ( same for these as well- mb1,mb2)
BothGroup (bb1,bb2)

In the code, I never refer to these instance or component names, I just call the groups they belong to…how do I call each individual button and get the data from it. btw- neither button has anything in the “data” part of the parameters.

I hope I gave enough info for someone to help me. I am on a deadline and just really need help!