**Hi there,
I am a newbie, and I am having trouble with the Flash form that I am doing. Pleasssssssssse help.
All i am trying to do is to composite an online survey with couple radio button groups (See here), and it will send to my email when people submit it.
In Flash, I have the following for my Action, trying to assign and get values for the two radio button groups (housingtype & ownrent):**
function radioDisplay (component) {
housingtype = component.getValue() ;
trace ( housingtype ) ;
// We assign this function to the group gender
housingtype.setChangeHandler (“radioDisplay”) ;
function radioDisplay (component) {
ownrent = component.getValue() ;
trace ( ownrent ) ;
// We assign this function to the group gender
ownrent.setChangeHandler (“radioDisplay”) ;
Also in my php, I have:
$message .= "House Type: " . $_POST[“housingtype”] . "
$message .= "Owned or Rented: " . $_POST[“ownrent”] . "
**Now when the form is submitted and sent to my email, I get the following:
** House Type: [object Object]
Owned or Rented:
**It returns to be with this object object & an empty answer. Anyone know what I have done wrong??
Thanks a lot.