I want to make a flash movie in which I have a grid of identical MCs whose features (frames, alpha, scale… whatever) will individually change depending on whether or not the area of a shape form on upper layer is in the same area. I am new to the hit test stuff, haven’t done it much but tried this at first for my project. It didn’t work the way I wanted at all because the form, when made an MC to collide with the MCs of the grid, was read as a square or rectangular area even though the form was much more squiggly and fluid, not square at all, in shape. So I figure one way to get around this would be for color in certain areas to collide with/ trigger changes in the grid MCs. Or to find any other way to get around this problem.
I can probably figure this out if I had more time but I’m too busy with my job to rest enough to wrap my head around this. So if anyone out there can help, good god I’d be happy. If I can get this to work it will be very exciting for my project. Which is basically to have shapes in a grid roughly emulate a shape/form over or under it. Kind of like those grids of nails that, when you push into with your hand from the bottom, move up in a way that emulates the texture and shape of your hand, or anything else pressed against it.