
I know there are a few members here that are Deviantart members as well and I just wanted to know what your member names are?

The same as on here. :slight_smile:

Dan is Telekenisis, Lost is Lostinbeta, mdipi is mdipi… :slight_smile:

haha I already know yours Kit, I found it by accident too. I haven’t seen mdipi and Dan’s yet, thanks. :stuck_out_tongue:

They are there, honest.

I really need to sort my DeviantART stuff out. I took everything off a while back to organise it all, but failed miserably on the second part. Might get round to that later this week.

Are you on there EG?

haha yeah I’m on there, go and check your messages, my member name is the same as the one here. :stuck_out_tongue:


<b>Kitiara runs off to check</b>

Hmm…ok this is a dumb questions, but how do you search for members? :frowning:

I just used the Search box…

slightbleeding :smiley:

My username is SoulUK

  • Soul :s:

same name

Grr everyone ahs the same name! I wanted the same name :stuck_out_tongue:

Soul was taken though, sends nasty messages to Soul :bad:

  • Soul :s:

my name on there is geekyPixel =)
i only have one entry though :stuck_out_tongue:

my deviant art hoo-hay-shinanigan is xxviii
very original i know
i only have 2 things on there tho… im gonna post a ton of crap up in a few weeks tho

Mine is the very clever: Ryall

vts31 wee 20 thousand pageviews.

The CEO of deviant art, Spyed, and I hung out before at magic mountain and at the West Coast Deviant art party we had in Garden Grove

and up they go more with advertisement on the boards, hehe

im 7r4v15

As kit already said, I am lostinbeta.

i’m law56

kit said mine too. but i havent posted in ages.

and check this guy out, co-founder of he is like 14 too: