u ever wanna do anything colaboratively? flash something?
And are you on DeviantART at all? If not, you should be. Get there now, boy!
hey btw there was a glitch or sth @ deviantart.
The movies made in Flash MX appeared so small no matter what the resolution of the movie was. Have they fixed it yet?
ooh, that sounds fun. i haven’t really done anything collaboratively before. i’m still a baby to flash, though. :o did you have anything in particular in mind?
i dunno. not really. get on AIM we should make some stuff together then maybe if we collect enuff stuff make a site out of it
We should get a deviant art clan going, kind of like this one, except it will only include www.kirupa.com members and if they want to join they have to sign up for the forum:
Would anyone be down for doing this? By the way kit, whats your devart name?
Hmm, I just signed up for deviant art tonight… my name is every so obvious… it is lostinbeta.
What is your deviant art name kit?
I signed up as well. I signed up a while back but couldn’t remember any of my info. duh!
new name is Vaporus-Ae
Visiting you now david
(to save in favorites)
I chose the hugely original name of Kitiara as my DevART name.
Haven’t got much on there yet (despite being signed up for ages), though I’ve had a few nice comments.
Hey kit, I just signed up tonight, added 2 images, and got all excellent comments, even ones saying my work looks pro. I like deviant art :beam:
I added you to my favorites now Kit
I added you to my favorites now Kit
I’ve found deviantART is a really cool site - there’s so many different types of artist on there, it’s amazing. They’re all very positive too which is good. Only problem is that I get very envious a lot.
And don’t forget, our very own Dan and Edwin are members!
Yep yep, all in my favorites, from what I saw tonight, I am jealous big time.
Ok, so members from this forum who are deviant art members are…
Me (:))
Oh yeah Kit, I commented on your tifa image
And I commented on your battle grunge one. Really do like that you know.
w00t, thanks kit :beam:
Sorry, w00t? WTF?
lol, yeah we had a discussion on what that meant in a thread a long time ago, it apparently has a different meaning to a few people, but the basic idea of it is “WOO HOO” or “YAY!”
Here it is :evil:
Hey sonmi,
Just checked out some of your work; it is really cool =)
Kirupa :rambo:
hey, how do i search for you guys on devient art or whatever?
[edit] btw VV007, lol lost…
yeah, I am a lamer :beam:
And it was // (with the back and forward slashes), which actually makes me more lame, but eh, oh well.
So when you posting more stuff Sonmi, I would really like to see it