Just wanted to say how cool this site, and what help it has been in my never ending battle to understand Flash.
The new question. I’m a little confused on some text aspects in Flash. Let’s say that I have a static text block and I use some font that the user might or might not have on their machine. I know if I have the “use device font” check box deselected it will just embed the font outline in my file and jack up the size. What I don’t understand is if I do check this box, does this then tell the end user’s machine to use the font that I specified if it is installed on their machine or just automatically use the device font regardless if they have the font or not. I’ve run some tests on my own machine, and it seems when I check the use device font, and then view it through the HTML preview it doesn’t recognize then font and uses the default on my system…hmmmmm…
Also, are using bitmap fonts the way to go when using text at 10pt. and below?
Thanks again,