Devil may cry 4

It came out for PC a few days ago, anybody like it. I’m waiting for my copy to arrive right now, just wondering if anybody was extremly impressed or the oposite

Like all good ports make sure you use a 360 controller to play it. Usually makes it much more enjoyable. Might try it out if I get bored never played it yet.

I have it for PS3. It’s pretty cool. I got kinda bored after several hours of play, tbh. :-/

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I know about the escapist, i’ve seen that episode like 3 times, i take whatever he sais with a warehouse full of salt. Though he is quite funny

yeah haha I didn’t mean take his review as a guideline, it was more for the fun of it. I love his reviews, always crack me up.

a lot of it is usually somewhat true tho :wink:

Finished it way to quick. Ninja Gaiden 2 is holding my attention nicely :smiley:

[ot][quote=sekasi;2356452]View this.

Seriously.[/quote]haha classic… spend like 2 hours watching other ones as well . lol[/ot]

I’ve played devil may cry on the ps3, cool game… fighting system is fun but gets a little repetitive… decent enough for one play through.

Yeah i’ve heard it has no replay value at all oh well, it’ll be here tomorrow