Saxx reviews Devil May Cry 4

First of all let me say i’m not a good reviewer, you may want to just not read it, or go ahead and insult me, either is good. I bought the game, and it finally got here. By now theres around a billion other reviews all saying the same thing, mine probably won’t deviate much, but i’m not partial to one side or the other.

First of all i’d like to say the game showed real promise, coming into the devil may cry series i was pretty impressed. It played like a really well written cinimatic, you can tell they took time developing the characters interests mindsets and personalities. Hell they even had realistic hair ever now and then, which is pretty good for it looking pretty close to anime.

Sadly though, like many things in this world, great ideas, cool concepts, and probably a semi competent design team. Were all laid to waste because of its absolutly horrible execution.

The game starts off with a bang, with a 5 minute scene with the main character and his love interest in church, the main character nero, doesn’t seem like the type who likes preaching. Just as he is ready to walk out on the place, an assasination takes place right in front of him. Then the city becomes flooded with horrible monsters etc.

The interface was also pretty nice, it reminded me alot of soul calibur for the sega genisis. Lots of little animations here and there, nice sounds everytime you clicked on something, and it was pretty easy to navigate.

Music is something i pay alot of attention to, and maybe i shouldn’t in video games. I’d just like to say, if your goning to play a weird german deathmetal/techno song, please don’t start the song from the beginning every time. I heard the same intro about 300 times during my 2 hour play, it was ok music i suppose, just it started from the beginning time in and time out. Bad decision on the designers part, it became extremely anoying.

Graphics were ok, my video card isn’t all that good so i had to play on medium detail, the blood was really cool, i just wish it would stick around for a while before disapearing into thin air. It was fairly well done, when your guy slashed up the badguys, blood apeared in the appropriate place.

The gameplay showed great promise, it was really interesting, and let you do some pretty creative combos, sadly, it never got beyond that point, you can buy (later in the game) a few more combos, but they all started looking the same after a while, your shots never miss, and you can blast an enemy in the air for 2 hours with your dual guns, permit the enemy has enough life.

The game was very clearly made for the xbox 360, i broke out my old PS2/USB controller and it played ok, but it was clearly made for the 360 controller. With the keyboard its very hard to move properly, you only have 8 directions, up down left right and the mix of the four (excluding oposites IE up-down and left-right).

The thing that ended up killing it for me, and i mean killing it graveyard dead, was the backtracking, after you go forword, and forword again, its NEVER a good idea to retrack that four times. I couldn’t stand going to the same area 3 times, i felt like i was doing what the game told me, but it wasn’t putting out. This really killed it for me, and it was good for the first two hours. You will however, regret buying the game after the six hour timer goes off, it gets soo backtrackingly boring i couldn’t stand to play it anymore. If your rich, buy it, give it a try, if your a budget concerned gamer, skip this title, its not worth it.

Heh i don’t know how many of you have played it, but there it is, my review of DMC4 exclusivly on kirupa. Please disregard my spelling errors and grammatical faults.