Well, since I am form NJ, and I have always been a huge Devil fan, and since they destroyed the ducks in Game 1 3-0, I figure I would try to attempt to make some wallpaper…and I want opinions on it :D. Anyway Devils > Ducks.
I did as the game was on, worked on it while it was intermission, and watched the game. All was done and Photoshop 7, and I got all the images from a random image scroller on the multimedia page on the Jersey website.
Looks good man, it’s hard to go wrong with some of those fancy scan lines
I am not a Devils fan, I think they play the most boring hockey in the world… I hope the ducks win:)
On the other hand though, I do like the Nets and I really hope they beat the spurs if the spurs end up knocking off the Mavs and the great Canadian hope known as Steve Nash