
Well today i drank about 500ml of dextromethorphan. Its found over the counter as a certian kind of cough syrup i dont really wanna say which one exactly due to safety reasons. Now, Im posting this to anyone whos considereing trying DXM( dextromethorphan). its VERY intense. spent around 4 hours barfing out in the streets, sometimes falling into a catatonic type schizophrenia where i was motionless, i was hallucinating beyond believe. its been 12 hours since it kicked in and im fine but dang. that is something i NEVER wanna experience again. just wanted to share that with the board.

holy crap, people must of looked at you like you where crazy=)


j/k :stuck_out_tongue: =)

who says hallucinations are bad


i hallucinate all the time

:crazy: :crazy: :crazy: its a way of life

scizophenia is good too…

i’m gonna try this dexa stuff

especially if it gives me barfing powers

imagine barfing like 3 times in someone’s face

i had a friend who had done it before. and another friend who was sober, but he had done it before too. the friend that had done it b4 didint puke either time…but they say 1 in 10 cant metabolize the molecule right so even a mediocre amount is enuff to kick your butt. Im one of those. Most people just thought i was drunk when they saw me on the parking lot. . My hallucinations were of geometric shapes coming in and out of existence and crawling on my legs, then i had a 20 min period where i was motionless, i felt disconnected from my body, i was flying through dense colorful clous and a like a giant spherical water droplet was ditorting my colors, i felt an incredible bliss and the music that was playing in the car seems to be part of me. i was the music, the car, i felt…hard to excplain…then i barfed for a while. lol. I tried jumping…and it felt like it took 10 min to hit the ground. blah it was nasty and disgusting. thinking about the smell of dxm makes me gag.

*Originally posted by vts31 *
i felt an incredible bliss and the music that was playing in the car seems to be part of me. i was the music, the car, i felt…hard to excplain…I tried jumping…and it felt like it took 10 min to hit the ground.

dam this could replace the ganja in my life…thx for the tip edwin, i can get a legal hallucigen now, and i have YOU to thank for it

and dam thats mad hang time, i’m gonna take this for sure! if i could jump for so long i could jam on everyone’s punk @ss

you have me convinced, thx

there are such sites. Maka, this drugn sint like lsd it isnt a hallucigenic in that sort of way. is a dissociative. and it will make you puke for hours, you will have insane hot flashes, u will feel terrible, and if you take the wrong kind, you will die . its happened before.

thats why i dont play around with that type of things=)

drat, yuo built it up like its the end all of all drugs :wink: :wink:

puking is cool admit it, you had fun

you know what else would be cool

if i had farting powers

nah bro. it was sick. specially the dryheaves. i did far a lot too. it lasted about 7 hours… but for me it felt like 10 years in a mental prison.

error: [double post]

what do you think about farting powers

pepto bismol is a powerful weapon in certain situations


haha my moms cooking is plenty =/

haha so true, * your moms* cooking is pretty gruesome…

oh wait, i’ve never eaten your moms food… thank God for sparing me :bad:

don’t tell your mom i said that, she might me or something

i have learned women are evil

lmfao i’m listening to Saddam From Iraq by rick dees

its jokes, everyone should download it

phil, i don’t think kirupa can use those smileys because of copyright infringementsm, i have my stash in a secret place, sry i can’t tell you :x

:frowning: :bad:

Also, while the smileys are nice, they will not fit with the yellow, round smileys we are currently using. It’s all about smiley racism really :slight_smile: