i’m doing a sleep dep thing right now… ihave been up for three days straight. that is why my typing is so bad at time these las few days… i don’t know why i’m no tsleeping i just am not going to bed…
When I used to work nightshift I would regurally be up for 26 hours straight. It’s weird how untired I would feel but ended up sleeping cause I thought I should.
Although there was a guy who was up for 18 days straight…he went nuts :crazy:
I was reading an article about sleep, and apparently in tests, sleep deprived animals have actually died do to loss of sleep.
Interesting Fact: “Sleep” is your body’s way of dumping the RAM, it clears out the unneeded information from your short term memory and stores the needed information on your hard drive – err, in your long term memory. Enabling you to have enough RAM (short term memory space) to get through the next day’s routine activities.
Hmm… you should try some of those sleep tablets, I stayed up for about 48 hours just because i couldnt sleep, and then my mum got me some and i slept for about 12 hours… It really does start to eat away at you
I have been 4 days without sleep; at that point I wouldn’t trust myself to wipe my own arse properly.
I go 2-3 days without sleep from time to time and my performance is defiantly affected.
If I sleep 3 hours a night after about a week I feel crap and crash for 17+ hours straight.
Personally I think that doing this is detrimental to ones health in that it can kind of cause chronic fatigue and can take a while to return to normal.
I am fine with 6-8 hours but after I have stuffed up my sleeping I need 12 or more for a while before I return to normal. Although exercise does help.
Also there have been studies that show that after 24 hours without sleep people perform as bad as someone with a .05 blood alcohol limit. In Australia it is illegal to drive a car with that level, so even if you don’t realize it your performance is affected and it is something I take into account when driving when I haven’t been sleeping.
If you are having trouble getting to sleep it is normally because you are thinking about to much crap to fall asleep.
If you close your eyes and stare at the back of your eyelids all you see is black. If you focus on this and just think about the black and nothing else (it takes effort) you will go to sleep in 10 min or so.
As I said this can take effort but it works………………………
Six years later, high school student Randy Gardner attempted to break the Guinness Book of World Records for the longest time awake – 260 hours. And after 11 days without sleep he suffered no hallucinations or paranoia and no psychotic symptoms.
Most people will die or faint after about 10 days I believe. There are weird disorders that make you not have to sleep, but usually those people don’t live past 30.
I couldn’t stay awake more than 36 hours because i would fall asleep regardless. Unless I had a handy case of Red Bull. That would put and end to my need for sleep.
It’s all about SoBe No Fear. 2000mg Taurine, 200mg Insitol, 100mg ginseng, 100mg guarana (the good stuff), 50 mg creatine, 20 mg arginine. FDA Caffiene warning label
[ot]disco stu, you changed your sig again! always a pleasure to see the change![/ot]
did I use the tag properly?
Anyway, last year I basically had this schedule:
sun: work 5PM-1AM, watch movies till 6AM…
mon: school 6AM-3PM, work 5PM-1AM, watch movies till 6…
tues: sleep till 2PM, repeat
this would last the entire week, basically stay up about 32 hrs or so and then sleep 12. Then, suddenly, I just started sleeping around midnight and getting up at 9AM… sometiems earlier… now that school is here, I’m really glad for it!