Didn't know where to ask this, but

I’ve got a bit of trouble with floating frames, and I hoped I could get some help here. This has nothing to do with Flash.

I’ve got a site up, but I can’t get different .html documents to load in a floating frame like I can with standard frames. (I.e., the various sections of the site, like news, links, etc.). So, the site remains incomplete until I can do this.

Feel free to check it out here to get an idea of what I’m talking about.

Thanks for any help, as it is appreciated.:goatee:

ok, what i think you are asking for is to take the links (not active, but the the text at the top) and when you click them it goes to that i frame (or floating frame) :q:

if so, all you gotta do is target your links to that frame so your frame name is ‘main’ so this is the code

<a href="yourlinkhere.html" target="main">what youw anna say</a>

That’s what I think your trying to say, and if not lemme know.+


Yeah, I tried that; no luck.

However, I figured a way around it. Not exactly as subtle as I wanted, but it’ll work.

Thanks anyway, chief. :slight_smile: