Die Aol


i hate AOL

soon microsuck and AOL are going to mate and spawn an evil child, one that will buy all buisnesses and monopoloze the world. say goodbye to our freedom of choice, soon there will be no more choice. either you work for the One or you die.

welcome to aohell.

hehehe, my aim s/n is AOhelleatsturds
(i use trillian btw, not aim crap)

Aol is ridiculious…

I had a buddy make me a SN off of his account for the crap of it (mbeston23)

and its nothing more than an ugly people orgy, trying to hook up with eachother…

kinda sad really


an ugly people orgy? hahahhahahahah

you do know that the article you posted was 5 years old right? AOL has owned Netscape for quite some time…

*Originally posted by Jubba *
**you do know that the article you posted was 5 years old right? AOL has owned Netscape for quite some time… **

LMAO!..its 1998

I didnt even click the link…

Sorry Golgi but thats kinda funny.

*Originally posted by Jubba *
**you do know that the article you posted was 5 years old right? AOL has owned Netscape for quite some time… **

i was using backing evidence to support the fact that AOL should die, by showing how they “search and destroy”.

AOLs logo is an all seeing eye inside a pyramid. or is it?

AOL Joke::

Q:- “Did You Know if you run an AOL disk backwards it installs Satanic messages?”

A:- "Yeah, but you know what’s worse ? … If you run it frontwards … it Installs AOL!

[size=1]…Ok, it’s old but it still makes me laugh[/size]

hahahahhaha, reland, that was great :beam:


*Originally posted by redGolgi *
**i was using backing evidence to support the fact that AOL should die, by showing how they “search and destroy”.
:stuck_out_tongue: **

nice try…

5 yrs old…

Ha! Ha!

When the Corporate Wars happen, MegloSlop and AOLoser.com will be the two major powers shooting off the biggest Plasma Gun…

Ooops, I’ve said too much. Phil will be very upset with me…

::wrings hands in worry::


heheheh. a girl’s gotta try and save face :wink:


ive known about AOL aquiring netscape for , i dunno 5 years… =)


hhe its ok Red =)

*Originally posted by Jubba *
**you do know that the article you posted was 5 years old right? AOL has owned Netscape for quite some time… **

Yeah, I think some handsome kid named Jubba mentioned it earlier in this thread! :stuck_out_tongue:


i saw it Jubba =) hehe

Omg!! Wow! Im totally going to upgrade!!


hehe just kidding Red, i had to do it =)

lol, that was evil Ray! but funny… I liked it! :slight_smile:

Awwww poor golgi :*(