Difficulties using sound

Hello everyone, I’m having some trouble with sounds using Flash 8.0 Pro. I have created some buttons and the animations work fine, but when I add sound to their over state, or any state for that matter, it seems that playback is slowed down by a few frames, then resumes normal playing speed after the sound has played. Basically, the animation has a little hiccup every time the sound plays and it’s very irritating. When I remove the sound from the button, playback speed is fine. Is this because the sound file is too large?

It’s properties are: 22kHz Mono 16 bit 0.1s 3.5 kB. Somehow I don’t think size is the problem because it is pretty small…

I’ve also tried changing the sounds properties in flash to MP3 with a lower compression, and whether the sound is larger or smaller, it still hiccups in the same spots.

Instead of placing the sound on the button timeline, I’ve also tried placing it on the movie timeline that contains the button, and the problem still persists.

Finally, I tried lengthening the sound using Audacity and I’ve found out that the only time this hiccup in frame rate occurs is when the sound begins and ends. Technically, I could just lengthen the sound so that it encomapses the animation, but this is unreasonable. It would make the sound file larger and imo it seems unecessary.

Any clues as to what might be causing this?

P.S. If someone would like me to send them a copy of the SWF, just let me know, I’ll be happy to oblige.