based on - Detecting Direction of Mouse Movement
what it does is, it draws either 10 pixls right, when u move your mouse right, it moves 10 pixls left when u move your mouse left etc, and it draws 10 pxls up, left down, right depending on how u move ur mouse
var posX:Number = 275;
var posY:Number = 400;
var chang:Number = 10;
this.createEmptyMovieClip(“branch_mc”, -1000);
branch_mc.lineStyle(0.25, 0xff0000, 100);
branch_mc.moveTo(posX, posY);
checkX = function (dx, oldVal, newVal) {
if (oldVal<newVal && posX<550) {
trace(“moving right”);
posX = posX+chang;
branch_mc.lineTo(posX, posY);
} else if (oldVal>newVal && posX>0) {
trace(“moving left”);
posX = posX-chang;
branch_mc.lineTo(posX, posY);
return newVal;
checkY = function (dy, oldVal, newVal) {
if (oldVal<newVal && posY<400) {
posY = posY+chang;
branch_mc.lineTo(posX, posY);
} else if (oldVal>newVal && posY>0) {
posY = posY-chang;
branch_mc.lineTo(posX, posY);
return newVal;
};“xdir”, checkX);“ydir”, checkY);
this.onMouseMove = function() {
xdir = _xmouse;
ydir = _ymouse;
this.onEnterFrame = function() {
this.attachMovie(“ball”, “ball”, 200);
this.ball._x = posX;
this.ball._y = posY;
if u want to use this script by copying it, u need to create a movieclip(a circle or a rectangle) name it ball, and make it at properties export to actionScript