I was wondering how you would disable buttons. Iknow there is the code:
movieclip.enabled = false
but this doesn’t seem to stop buttons from doing someting when the mouse is rolled over it.
I have 2 movieclips; both with actions which execute on rollover. They also lie on top of each other (but not entirely). When i rollover the top movieclip, the bottom one executes its rollover actions too. I was wondering how to stop this. thx
I am not sure I understand, can you post an example file?
.enabled works for buttons and movie clips.
ok heres an example…
You will see there are 2 circles which get bigger when you rollover them. If you rollover the point where the green overlaps the grey circle, BOTH circles will get bigger.
I want to stop the grey circle from expanding when you rollOver any part of the green circle. Is that possible? thx
It is because you are using hitTest(), your mouse is in the hit area of the clip so it registers it as a hit.
You can use on handlers on movie clips in Flash MX, so you can do this…
[AS]onClipEvent (load) {
this._width = 50;
on (rollOver) {
this.onEnterFrame = function() {
this._width += 20;
on (rollOut) {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
On both circles.
oh ok, i thought of that too, but i thought hitTest had the two options: entire shape and bounding box which would do some other stuff. Anyways thx