I have a friend who wants to make a flash. The only problem is, he doesn’t know how to actionscript too well, and he needs an actionscript that’s vital to the cartoon.
It’d start off at a menu where you’d have different buttons. When you click one button, it’d go through the animation. When you’re finished with the animation, it’ll go back to the menu. However, he wants it so that, once you’ve clicked the button, it doesn’t appear anymore. The process would repeat until you don’t have any buttons left. Once that happens, it’d play a final animation.
I know this is possible. I’ve seen it done. He just doesn’t know how to do it.
So, what’s the actionscript for this?
Also, having the menu with the deleted buttons is out of the question.
Wouldn’t it be something with *if *statements or something?
Any help is much appreciated.