Display image from database

Below is the code that I have for a flash 8 document. I am trying to have a flash document the has a list in the datagrid that is connected to a mysql db. I have successfully done this. When a user clicks on a product in the datagrid it populates the details below the grid and I have done so successfully. What I now need is to show a picture of the product in the details section. I can display the path of the image that is located in the db, but I can’t get the image to show. I would also like to see how to show different images for different vendors, each vendor has its own image size, so if I put just one image placeholder then some of the images will be scewed. I need something that shows image in placeholder 1 if company=1, show image in placeholder 2 if company=2, etc.

/*This defines the location of the files we are going
to use in this program. */
_global.mypath = "http://www.producttestsite.com/flash/"
//This defines the datagrid columns
import mx.controls.DataGrid;
import mx.controls.gridclasses.DataGridColumn;
var column = new DataGridColumn("j1");
column.headerText = "Product Name";
column.width = 200;
tf.align = "center";
var column = new DataGridColumn("j2");
column.headerText = "Price";
column.width = 60;
var column = new DataGridColumn("j3");
column.headerText = "Color";
column.width = 75;
var column = new DataGridColumn("j4");
column.headerText = "Interior Color";
column.width = 150;
products.addEventListener("headerRelease", headerListener);
products.dataProvider = r_string;
products.dataProvider = r_string;
//set Column text property
//var tf = new TextFormat ();
//tf.italic = False;
//tf.bold = False;
// This reads the data from the PHP script and populates the datagrid.
var sendData = new LoadVars();
var r_string = new LoadVars();
r_string.onLoad = getResponse;
sendData.addr = propDgrid.selectedItem.j2
mypath89 =_global.mypath + "products.php";
sendData.sendAndLoad(mypath89, r_string, "post");
function getResponse(result){
if (result == true) {
var r_string = new Array();
for (var i:Number=0; i < this.n; i++) {
{ productid:this["productid"+i],
products.dataProvider = r_string;
//Populate the form
//==============Show Customer Details=========================
var sendData = new LoadVars();
var recData = new LoadVars();
recData.onLoad = getResponse1;
sendData.productid = products.selectedItem.productid;
mypath81 =_global.mypath + "productform.php";
sendData.sendAndLoad(mypath81, recData, "post");
function getResponse1(result){
if (result == true) {
model.text = this['model'];
price.text = this['price'];
material.text = this['material'];
interiordesc.text = this['interiordesc'];
picture.text = this['picture'];
feature1.text = this['feature1'];
feature2.text = this['feature2'];
feature3.text = this['feature3'];
feature4.text = this['feature4'];
/*I have not shown all fields in the database on the form but if you wanted to
show more of the fields you would just add then to the list above.*/