I’m using Actionscript 3 in FlexBuilder 3. I know how to show an image if I have the image’s path: “…/images/whatever.gif”. However, I need to be able to show an image that is stored in a database. Instead of the image being stored on the server and the database containing the path of the image, the actual image itself is in the database.
I have an asp page (showimage.asp) that gets the image from the database and shows it using:
Response.ContentType = “image/jpeg”
Response.BinaryWrite Recs(“Site_Cont_Image”)
And on another asp page, the way to display the image is:
<img src=“showimage.asp?intid=<%=id%>”/>
where the id is which image in the database to show
But I have no idea how to make this work in Actionscript. I get errors when setting the image path to an asp file instead of to an image file.
Anyone have any ideas?