Displaying your artwork

I’ve recently been trying to improve my drawing skills and while looking around websites related to that subject, I noticed that many of the personal websites have small to medium-sized galleries of the artists’ artwork online (hand drawn or otherwise) and I was wondering how many kirupaForum members have their own artwork displayed online =).

If you do, please post a link here so we can all have a look :slight_smile: (if at all possible, please don’t post DeviantArt links shudder).


I’ll be posting my pencil and ink work in the future, but check out Feng Zhu’s sketches.


try this on for size:


they have a bunch of interviews, artists, and other stuff.

www.edwinrosero.com/electron mine

Um Alex, I think JK87 wanted to see traditional hand drawn work, not digital work.

Edwin, you’ve got tons of great stuff, and thats just 1 gallery. awsome.

artbyfeng.com is amazing as well :). The artwork that is his is stunning :o. I hope I’ll be able to draw with close to that skill level some day :beam:.

EG, I would prefer links to members’ art galleries of hand-drawn art but if all they have is computer generated art, so be it :).

(I’m hardly artistically gifted - especially when it comes to doing things by hand).

Yeah Feng Zhu’s work is amazing, he’s my favorite pencil and ink artist right now. =)

drools some more Shame I don’t live in California, aren’t really old enough, and suck at drawing - otherwise I would definitely go to one or both of the classes he co-teaches regarding industrial design :).

sigh If I was any good at this kind of thing, I would probably love to do it as a job (concept design).

Same here, I would kill to take one of his classes. :sigh:

Hand-drawn pencil and paper or hand drawn on a PC? :slight_smile:

My stuff is all hand done on paper, then scanned in and traced, again by hand, so does that count? :slight_smile: Anyway, link is http://www.nowingsnohalo.co.uk/gallery/gallery.htm

Woah, Edwin, is the arteest!

Also, just curious… how did you do that gallery… that looks very nice. Mind if I reproduce something similar for my father’s art gallery? (I dont want to be a biter) :beam:

check out the stuff i have on deviantart.com

man I need to scan some of my sketches…I have a book full of dog eared papers with sketches…ho hum maybe next year

Kit, it’s fine. I’ve looked at your gallery countless times when trying to think of the shapes of human figures and some of your artwork is excellent:thumb:. vincetopia, that orchid one looks great; very stylish. 3d-iva, I look forward to seeing some of your sketches in the future :).

Thanks JK. :slight_smile:

Reminds me actually, must update tonight, I’ve got a whole load more pics to post up there…

I’m waiting for you to put some of yours up on your site too. :wink:

Lol that website of mine (JK87.com) hasn’t been updated for about 2 months. I played around with a couple of other designs recently but couldn’t bring myself to update it just yet.

I was actually toying with PHP about 2 minutes ago to make a simple gallery script but now that I think about it, it’s a waste of time :). I haven’t actually got anything worth showing the world yet but as soon I do, I’ll make sure to upload it ;).

goes back to reading “How to draw: Nursery School Level” j/k :stuck_out_tongue:


Now you’ve done it Kit - I took one of those other designs (nothing great but it does the job [no Flash involved]) and beat some PHP into it so that it became a functional website :). I’ve set up forwarding so that you guys can see it without having to go to a different URL (just go to good 'ole http://www.jk87.com).

All I have to do now is create a gallery for it and create some artwork worth displaying ;). Once I do, I’ll make sure to post back and let y’all know.