Divine Divinity

My good friend jessica g. has been making this online comic. I’m here to plug it, cause it’s really quite good.

it’s updated weekly, and at the moment there are like, 7 pages already. So you’ll have something to get you hooked. :wink:

Here’s the intro thingy, so you can get the gist of her brainy creativity. Or dorkiness. Two sides of the same coin, I say.

If I’ve plugged this before, please forgive my stupidity, but it sucked back then cause there was like only the intro. so it wasn’t even worth it. give it another try!



sounds like the story-line to a “Zelda-like” video game… :slight_smile:

looks good.

She’s very pleased to hear as much. Unfortunately, QueenLV427 NEVER EVER POSTS!!! so she can’t reply for herself.

This looks great, I love the artwork in it. Such a great style. :slight_smile:

Yeah I love the few colours, gives it that heavenly feel :beam:

You should do a colaboration with her Kit :beam:

  • Soul :s:

It’s a great game, and it was made here at my home home country ! Way to go Larian :P:thumb: The artworks is great too :thumb: !


Yeah … never heard of it ? Divine Divinity