My Wesbite Design

Well I mean its not all my design but it is a good one.

I think what do you guys think of it.

The domain

is But i was just making diffrent thigns and stuf.

very nice. Quick and clean. Hows your game comming on? Can’t wait to see it :slight_smile:

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T-O what you mean ownz sorry i havent been out much :thumb:

Orange one
Be patient I will finsh the game soon just i would Rather finsh the ones that arent mainly huge games.

Cause my Stick Bridge I might finsh
and I am working with one guy and then the kuru game

So I will finsh Sitvck Bridge First then my Friend then the Kuru.

So dont worry it wil get done soon.

i lie the cartoonish look it has very vector nice job :wink:

Wow I dient think the sie was so good.