Dj Site up and running

Sorry guys was updating the DNS - Check it now… :kommie:

or alternatively and (org,tv)

Love it pixi,
great work!!!

Hey Pixi,

Just one thing that was killen me…

White part on the headphones, it would be so cool if you could see through that part. if you look you will see. I am be being *** i know. But you are that good to just have that little part fixed.

your the man pix

Ive been keeping an eye out for this coz i loved the header when it was posted. Very cool. Impressive to see a site that although does nothing particularly special, sheer design skill makes it a great site.

Very sweet and sleek. I remember when you posted the design. The animation plays up to the design nicely.
I only have one slight problem. I swear in your orignial the edges of the images that are built into the design were a lot cleaner and not so jagged.

Wow that’s impresive dude. Great job.

Flash playa - dude didnt even see that! Thanks Ill definately fix it on Monday.
Wanyo - Youre right but I needed to make the Base image a gif with a transpaerncy, so the gradient would show thru, ( the jpg of everything was large in filesize) - so I optimised the site, I know the edges are jagged, but I would rather have the site load faster for 56K users - Ill have another look at the original design and see what I can do to clean it up…

Thanks to all for their positive encouragement - (Danger of head swelling, must go get drunk immediately). Seeya on the forums. Caio for now Pix.