Dj Site up and running

Hi Guys, I posted the initial designs for this a while ago, and thank all of you for the help and advice on the design. Finally the client has got his act together and the site has gone up.

check it out at

Any comments on loading,performance, and platform issues, in addition to the usual design comments would be awesome…

Thanks in advance for all your feedback. Seeya on the forums. Caio Pixi :pir:

PS Big thank you to Voetsjoeba for his awesome streaming MP3 player !

Very well done. It really made me want to party with this guy and dig his music. Even though I’m not into dance.

I love the way the pictures load on each page.

Fanx. Did the whole thing load ok ( with the streaming mp3 playing) - no jumps in the animation?

very cool site! Nice details on the graphics

Very nice, pixi ! =)

oh, lol i didnt listen to the mp3 because i had other music going… but as far as i could tell there was no glitches and load times were fast on dial up.

I loved that hand thing you did for the loading also, very cool. ponders on stealing your idea :stuck_out_tongue:

Davidh - Music is not really my thing, so I try switch off the mp3 player-- I can give you the sign language font if you want, great for playing around with in animation just IM me

I like the site, and it load fast on a dial up connection like mine… TWO THUMBS UP!.. :slight_smile: great work…


Awesome thanks for the blessings. Now onto making more… more…more…! Caio Pixi.

sweeeeet, nice skinning on the mp3 player

very nice!!!

that’s some nice music too - dont’ hear many good ones anymore :slight_smile:

Nice work as ever pixi, your companies sites are some of the best i’ve seen IMO and it gives me great ideas and a little direction for my own work, keep it up.


Thanks Ramie, as ever I take muchos inspiration from the rest of the Kirupa-heads. Thank you all.

wow, I like it a lot, very nice.

wow, I like it a lot, very nice.

very nice work

yea great work pixi :slight_smile:

i cannot view the site… CANNOT FIND SERVER… hmmm…

Yeah me too … :frowning:

Cannot view site.