Here’s my situation, I have a % preloader working fine :sure: and I have external SWFs loading into an empty movie clip. Also working fine :snug:
When I test online my only glitch is that the preloader doesn’t show up immediately. In fact, it only shows up for a split second. Now, I know the stuff about setting the “Export frame for classes” to something other than 1 for those MCs and such that are controlled by actionScript. In fact, I’ve done that for the empty movie clip.
My question is, do I need to make all my symbols have the “Export for ActionScript” box checked in order to get the preloader to work better (i.e. smoother)??
Should I also think about putting a bunch (if not all) of my symbols on frame 2 or 3? I think I read somewhere that doing that would force the preloader to work properly.