Main timeline- first frame…preloader.
second frame… mc; within that mc I am using the “export for action script” propery in the properties panel on another mc…
the problem - the “export for action script” is over-riding my preloader. When I check the “export in first frame” to off, the mc no longer functions…
This can’t be right, can it? If you use “export for action script” will you no longer be able to use a preloader???
If you export something for actionscript, you have the choice between exporting in first frame or … well, not in first frame :P. I have no idea on what frame that would be then to be honest.
If you have it exported in first frame, it will be loaded before anything else, so also before your preloader, which is why it won’t work decently anymore.
If you don’t export it in frame 1, it can’t be used in frame 2. So you’re facing a dilemma here. But !
There are alternatives. I thought one of them (if there even are multiple) was placing it in an external file then loading that file in. Can’t remember perfectly though, run a search on the forum